Since we all like watching speeches on YouTube, I thought I'd share some of my favorites:
(and let me just say that the ones I have seen in person are 1,000.56 times better in person)
The Book of Awesome- Benjamin Griffith and Kasey Leander (2011 NITOC Champion)
The Adventures of Pinocchio- David Hutchinson and Conor Gilmore
Bartholomew and the Oobleck- Brandon Douglas and Brittany Douglas
Hamlet- Tyler Dumont and Daniel Sheahan
The Brother's Grimm Mistake- Joy Clarkson and Benjamin Griffith
A Tale of Two Cities- Annelise Newman and Hannah Smith
Our American Cousin- Hannah Smith and Jacob Van Ness
Pinocchio- Karlyn Leander and Kasey Leander (2012 NITOC Champion)
Open Interps:
The Story of Ferdinand The Bull- Stephen Roe (2010 NITOC Champion)
The Raven- Aspen Plummer (2011 NITOC Champion)
Freedom (Thematic)- Annelise Newman
Emma- Sarah Peña
Humorous Interps:
The House at Pooh Corner- Stephen Roe
'Twas a Dark and Dreary Night- Loren Crisp
The Visitors From Forest Hills- Annelise Newman (2010 NITOC Champion)
Bread and Jam for Francis- Cody Cessna
Defenseless Creature- Aspen Plummer
Dramatic Interps:
Les Miserables- Annelise Newman
Saving Your First Kiss For Marriage- Luis Garcia
The Myths of Abortion- Matthew Mittelberg (2011 NITOC Champion)
Stealth Jihad- Sarah Peña
Foster-Adoption- Annabelle Tague
The Church's Response to Homosexuality- Kasey Leander (2012 NITOC Champion)
Pornography- Thaddeus Tague
note: This is obviously a more mature topic, but in Thad's own words:
"I give you my word, though, that I will not be explicit in any way about pornography, but rather, I wish to be explicit about the destruction that it has caused in the lives and homes of God's children."
Expository Speeches:
My Walk With Autism- Jesse McKeever (2009 NITOC Champion)
Lessons Learned from Expos- Andrew Schalin
The Art of Storytelling- Raymond Dokupil
Original Oratories:
Is The United States A Christian Nation?- Audrea Taylor
Walking Into Love- Sarah Peña (2010 NITOC Champion)
Sportsmanship- Jennifer Duffy
Emotion-ships- Anabelle Tague
and lastly
my 2011 humorous on Stuff Christians Like
my 2012 duo with Andrew on The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)
my 2012 dramatic on Steel Magnolias
my 2012 humorous on All The Great Books (Abridged)
my 2013 dramatic on The Tell-Tale Heart (NITOC Champion)
my 2013 open interp on True Grit
my 2013 duo with James Kuhlmann on Aladdin
my 2013 humorous on The Fish Tale- One Man's Search for Truth
(Here's a link to the post where my SCL was on the SCL, which was super cool)
If you have any suggestions, be sure to comment!
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