Monday, November 7, 2011

Friending All of Stoa on Facebook

Disclaimer 1. Some of you do not have a Facebook. That's fine. There is a 98.6% chance that if you are reading this, you are on Google Buzz, or Google+, as it were. Just substitute "follow/follower" for "friend" and "Buzz/Plus" for "Facebook." It should work pretty fantastically I hope.

Disclaimer 2. Some of you are not in Stoa but NCFCA. Maybe. Actually, yes. Just use the same logic as above.

I recently got on Facebook. I'm really late to the game, but what can I say. I'm homeschooled. I don't do trends. Anyway, I keep getting all these "People you may know"s of CHSADK's that I sort of do know. The best part is, Facebook is like, "You have 47 mutual friends with so and so" and I'm thinking, I didn't know I had that many friends but cool. Lots of Stoa'ers on FB are friends with every other Facebook-user in Stoa. Folks, that's a lot of people. I have gotten a few requests from kids I've never met but after a bit of innocent speechranks stalking, I figure out what's up. Then, once I see they are in speech and/or debate, I friend them because I meet really snazzy people that way.

Here's what great about the fact that Stoa kids are willing to be friends with everybody else in Stoa:

1. You have people to wave to at tournaments
One time, my sister was at her first tournament ever and I was pointing out this kid who is just awesome and would later win a lot and at Nationals and stuff. In the midst of this, he turned around and waved at me. My awesomeness points went up by about 250%. It's great to have people to wave at, because you look cool, waving is fun, and our hands don't get nearly enough exercise with all the "Thank you for judging"s. You need to at least somewhat know someone to wave at them, so Facebook friending them is a good way to go.

2. The famous people feel more like real people
Stoa has a decent amount of local legends and small-town celebrity sorts. When you're friends with them on Facebook and looking at their pictures and clicking their links and reading funny stories about their cats or whatever, they feel more like the normal people I always forget they are. It works out in their favor, because now they can be real-friends with awesome people like you without worrying about you asking for an autograph or something.

3. Everybody's not super competitive and angry at each other
I've mentioned this before, but one of my favorite things about speech and debate is that everybody really likes everybody else. I sometimes look at online acquaintances and think, wow, I beat her in a debate round but she doesn't hate me. That's super awesome of her. Or, wow, that guy's way better at speech than I am, but he still wants to be my friend. That, kids, is awesome.

You're homeschooled. "I can be your friend." (VeggieTales ftw)

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